Superintendent Updates

I am thrilled to provide you with an update on the success of our Strategic Plan, six months into its implementation. Our collective efforts to enhance education within our district have shown promising results, with a particular focus on the three pivotal themes: Student Readiness, Community Engagement, and Healthy Environment.

Student Readiness: The central pillar of our plan, Student Readiness, has been met with significant achievements. Our dedicated educators, driven by their commitment to student success, have played a pivotal role in preparing our students for the future. We've observed measurable improvements in academic performance, with students demonstrating increased readiness for the challenges that lie ahead. Ongoing professional development initiatives and tailored support mechanisms have empowered our teachers to provide an enriched learning experience, ensuring our students are well-equipped for their educational journey.

Community Engagement: Our community engagement initiatives have fostered stronger bonds between the school district and our community members. Events, workshops, and collaborative projects have brought together educators, parents, and local stakeholders, creating a powerful network of support for our students. The feedback from the community has been invaluable, shaping our ongoing strategies and reinforcing our shared commitment to the success of every student. The strengthened collaboration has not only enriched the educational experience but also contributed to a sense of unity within the broader community.

Healthy Environment: The focus on creating a Healthy Environment has resulted in positive shifts in the overall atmosphere within our schools. The emphasis on kindness has been embraced by both students and staff, hopefully contributing to a reduction in negative behaviors. The implementation of additional multi-tiered support systems has further fortified our commitment to a safe, responsible, and respectful environment. Teachers and students alike have actively participated in training programs aimed at fostering kindness, contributing to a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.

As we reflect on these accomplishments, it is important to note that the success of the Strategic Plan is an ongoing journey. We are not resting on our laurels but rather using these achievements as a foundation for continuous improvement. Looking ahead, we remain committed to refining our strategies, seeking innovative approaches, and actively involving our community in the ongoing development of our educational landscape.

For those interested in delving deeper into the progress made, please visit the Strategic Plan section on our district website,, where you will find an interactive dashboard and regular updates.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and we eagerly anticipate the continued success of our Strategic Plan as we work together to provide the best possible education for our students.

Interim Superintendent, Dr. Stephen V. Newton