Assessments Explained

WYTOPP Summative Assessment

  • This is the required state assessment for all third – tenth graders. English Language Arts, Math and Science are the areas assessed. Results from this assessment are not available until the fall of the next school year. This assessment gives parents and the district information on a child’s annual growth and understanding of the grade level state standards.


  • This is the state assessment for English as a Second Language Learners. Reading, writing, speaking and listening are the areas assessed. Results from this assessment are not available until the fall of the next school year. The results are used to monitor the growth of students who are learning English as a second language.


  • This is a required state assessment for all juniors (11th grade) and is given in the spring of each year. This assessment may be used to support college entrance and potential scholarships. It also gives high schools annual information on how eleventh grade students are doing in English, reading, math and science.

WYTOPP Interim Assessment

  • The WYTOPP Interim assessment is given at the beginning and middle of the school year. Similar to the WYTOPP Summative assessment, the WYTOPP Interim assessments help parents and teachers understand how their child is doing in regards to the grade level standards. The results of the WYTOPP Interim assessments are available immediately and allow teachers to make instructional decisions in support of student learning.

FastBridge Universal Screener

  • This is the LCSD#1 universal screening assessment. Given three times per year, this screener is given to all kindergarten – sixth grade students in math and English language arts. This important screener provides results immediately and allows parents and teachers to see if a child needs additional support. Secondary schools often give this assessment as well.
  • This screener also includes the SAEBRS assessment. This screener is used to inform parents and teachers about how their child is doing socially and behaviorally. Parents and teachers may then work together to support their child in school.

RI (Reading Inventory)

  • This assessment is given to all incoming seventh graders. It is also given to eight through twelfth grade students who may need additional support with reading. This assessment is given two times per year to secondary students and allows parents and teachers to identify how their child is doing in reading. Results are used with other evidence to determine if a student may need additional reading instruction at the secondary level.

District Assessments (aka: “GVC’s”)

  • These assessments are often referred to as “GVC’s”, or “End of the Unit” assessments. These assessments are directly aligned to our district curriculum and what is taught in the classroom. They allow parents and teachers to understand how their child is doing on what is specifically taught in their classes. These are graded assessments.